Quality and Environment

  • Quality

    Over the years Emmeti Srl has focused on constantly improving the quality of products and processes, to reach the current high production levels.

    Achieving and maintaining high quality standards are the primary goal of our company.

    To guarantee the high quality level, the appropriate external bodies have awarded us the quality system certification, which is constantly updated with international standards and requirements demanded by customers.

    All this is possible thanks to the total involvement of the different internal directional productive and operational entities.


    Emmeti Srl is constantly committed to implementing environmental policies that support and supplement both our business and workers by helping prevent any possible negative effects on the external and internal environment. We have been pursuing these goals by means of: a centralized plant for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that enables us to monitor air pollution, a photovoltaic system that enables us to use renewable sources such as solar power instead of electricity, a continuous noise emission level monitoring system in accordance with applicable laws together with a sustainable waste management system. 
    It is thanks to this commitment that the company has obtained the environmental management system (EMS) ISO 14001 certification.

Job opportunities

Are you interested in working with us? You can send your application and know what job profiles we are looking for.